Service Philosophy
Mission Statement
Cabot Public Library is dedicated to providing a free service to the community, furnishing current and significant materials to meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of the public, through print, technology, and programs. The Library is further dedicated to motivating young children to become lifelong readers and library users.
Relationship to the Community
Cabot Public Library receives most of its financial support from local taxes. The Library is governed by a board of five trustees, elected at the annual Town Meeting, as outlined in the Bylaws of the Library Board of Directors. The Library Board subscribes to the guidelines provided by the Vermont Department of Libraries’ Manual for Vermont Library Trustees.
Service Goals
The Cabot Public Library provides the residents of Cabot and surrounding towns with popular materials and basic reference services through a variety of formats, including books, audiobooks, periodicals, video, computer, and Internet access. The Library is a focal point for community activities and services collaborating to offer a wide range of programs for all ages and many interests.
General Operation of the Library
Who May Use the Library?
Library services are available to all residents of Cabot and surrounding communities, free of charge. Service will not be denied because of religious, racial, social, economic, sexual, or political status.
Borrowers’ Cards
Upon completing a library registration card with name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address, if applicable, one may receive a borrower’s card. Children under 18 become borrowers by having an adult sign a registration card for them. Borrowers are legally responsible for the return, in good condition, of any materials borrowed on their card. Use of facilities and resources may be denied by the Library Director for abuse of privileges.
Loan Periods
Books and audiobooks are loaned for three weeks. Magazines and videos are loaned for one week. Generally, reference books do not circulate. Upon request, some reference materials may be checked out overnight. Interlibrary loans are due on the date indicated by the lending library. The Director may establish the loan period for special collections, materials that are temporarily in great demand, such as student projects, or materials added to the collection that is in a new format, e.g., computer software. There is no limit on the number of items a patron can borrow at one time, with one exception – two items on a subject is the limit for a known school assignment.
Renewals, Overdues, and Fees
Library materials, if not in demand, may be renewed by telephone, email, or in person. No fines will be levied on overdue materials. However, patrons are expected to return borrowed materials on time. Overdue notices are sent when materials are overdue. Bills for unreturned materials will be sent a minimum of four times a year. The Library Director will determine the amount to be paid, based on the cost of replacement. Borrowing privileges may be suspended until materials are returned, payment is received, or other arrangements are made, at the Library Director’ discretion.
The choice of books and other library materials, along with the use of informational resources at the Library, is essentially a private endeavor on the part of each individual patron. The Library shall make every reasonable and responsible effort to see that information about that patron and their choices remain confidential.
The Cabot Public Library adheres strictly to all sections of the Vermont State Statute regarding the protection of the confidentiality of its users, as stated under Title 22, Libraries, History and Information Technology, Chapter 4. Library Patron Records.
Guidelines for Confidentiality
No information will be released and/or disclosed to any individuals, corporations, institutions, or government agencies without a valid process order or subpoena, including:
A patron’s name (or whether a patron is a registered borrower or has been a patron)
A patron’s address
A patron’s telephone number
A patron’s email address
A patron’s borrowing records
The number or character of questions asked by a patron
The frequency or content of a patron’s lawful visits to the Library
Or any other information supplied to the Library (or gathered by it)
All Library employees and volunteers are instructed to comply with these guidelines. The Board of Trustees recognizes that it is only through continued adherence to these guidelines that the public can maintain its confidence in the public library. This confidence is vital to the Library’s role in the community and the community’s right to know.
Hours of Operation
The Library is open 25 hours weekly at regularly scheduled times, to best serve the public within the limits of its budget. Hours are posted on the Library doors and the Willey Building doors.
Emergency/Weather Closings
In the event of an emergency or inclement weather, the Library will follow the recommendation and actions of the Cabot School District when applicable. Closing during other days and hours will be at the discretion of the Library Director.
The Library will be closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, July 4, Labor Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve. The Library may be closed at other times as approved by the Trustees.
Use of Library Facility
The Library will be used for Library purposes and other functions and events as approved by the Trustees. Other uses are subject to Board approval. Food and drink are not allowed near the computers. For more information, please see Appendix A, Room Use Policy and Room Use Contract.
Material Selection Policy
The Board of Trustees has adopted the following selection policy along with the ALA “Library Bill of Rights”, and its “Freedom to Read”, and “Freedom to View” statements.
Responsibility for Selection
Responsibility for the selection of Library materials rests solely with the Library Director.
Selection Criteria
The Library Director will use professional judgment, enhanced by an understanding of the needs of the community, for all age groups. Materials will be considered according to its informational, educational, and recreational value; its authoritativeness, timeliness, and effectiveness; the reputation and significance of the author; its availability elsewhere; the overall goal of representation of a variety of viewpoints within the collection; and the price of the material and availability of funds and space.
In the selecting materials, the Library Director will use authoritative professional reviews, standard lists of basic works, recommendations from professional journals, and the Vermont Department of Libraries’ Material Review Sessions. The public may make recommendations and these will receive careful consideration, in terms of the Library’s overall objectives and the existing book collection.
Gifts of books and other materials are accepted with the understanding that their final disposition is the responsibility of the Library Director. The wishes of the donor will be respected whenever feasible.
Weeding will be conducted periodically by the Library Director. The criteria applied to the selection of materials will be applied to their removal.
Challenged Materials
If a patron objects to the presence (or absence) of any material, the Library Director will discuss with the patron their complaint about the material. If the patron wishes, they may fill out a “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” form (Appendix B). The Library Director will decide whether or not to add, withdraw, or restrict the material in question, and will notify the patron in writing of that decision. The Library Trustees will be notified of the complaint and of the Library Director’s decision.
If the patron is not satisfied with the Library Director’s decision, they may appeal to the Board of Trustees by resubmitting a “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” to a Trustee. The Board will consider the complaint and the Library Directors’ decision and will make the final decision. The Board will report its decision in writing to the concerned patron. The material in question will not be removed from use prior to the Board’s action.
Internet Use Policies and Guidelines
The following is excerpted from the sign-in screen for the Cabot Public Library’s wireless network. It was provided by the state project that provided fiber connection. The Cabot Public Library adheres to this policy, as well as those included in the Cabot Public Library Addendum:
Internet Access
The Internet, a worldwide network of computer networks, is an essential medium for obtaining and transmitting information of all types. Therefore, public access to the Internet is germane to the Library's mission. However, the Internet is an unregulated medium. It also provides access to information that is inaccurate, illegal or that some may find offensive or disturbing. The Library will identify on its website specific Internet sites that have potential interest for Library users. But the Library cannot control a user's access to other Internet resources.
Responsibilities of Library Staff and Users
Library staff will not monitor a user's Internet use, except for length of use in order to ensure equal opportunity of access for everyone. The user, or the parent of a minor, is responsible for his or her Internet session at all times. The Library reserves the right to terminate an Internet session that disrupts library services or that involves user behavior that violates the Library's policies. As with all Library resources, the Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents/guardians, NOT Library staff, to determine and monitor their minor children's use of the Internet. This includes the use of e-mail and chat rooms. Parents should warn their children against the disclosing of personal information to strangers on the Internet. (Minors are defined in this policy as children and young people under the age of 18 years.) Parents are responsible for their minor children's use of the Library's resources and facilities. Parents who believe that their children cannot responsibly use the Library's Internet access are requested to monitor their children's Internet use.
While the Library endeavors to provide access to information of the highest quality, the Library specifically disclaims any warrant as to the information's accuracy, timeliness, authoritativeness, usefulness or fitness for a particular purpose. The Library will have no liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages related to the use of information accessed through the Library's Internet service. Since software and information downloaded from any sources, including the Internet, may contain computer viruses, users are advised to utilize virus checking software on their home computers. The Library is not responsible for damage to users' home computers or for any loss of data, damage or liability that may occur from use of the Library's computers.
Unacceptable Uses of Computers
Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of this policy are the following: Uses that violate the law. Transmitting of offensive or harassing messages; offering for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by law; viewing, transmitting or downloading illegal materials or materials; downloading or transmitting confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials. Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol, users should assume that all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them. Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property. Engaging in defamation (harming another's reputation by lies); uploading a worm, virus, "trojan horse," "time bomb" or other harmful form of programming or vandalism; participating in "hacking" activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems. Uses that jeopardize the security of access of the computer network or other networks on the Internet. Disclosing or sharing the user's password with others; impersonating another user; using one's own software programs on the Library's computers; altering the Library's computer settings; damaging or modifying computer equipment or software. Uses that compromise the safety and security of minors when using e-mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications: Minors under age 18: Giving others private information about one's self or others, including credit card numbers and social security numbers; arranging a face-to-face meeting with someone one has "met" on the computer network or Internet without a parent's permission.
Confidentiality of Library Records
In accordance with 1 V.S.A. § 317 (c)(19), the following are exempt from public inspection and copying: records relating to the identity of library patrons or the identity of library patrons in regard to the circulation of library materials].
The Library staff will develop such rules and procedures as are necessary to ensure the fair and reasonable use of Internet access.
Response to Violations
The user's access to the Library's computer network and Internet is a privilege, not a right. A user violates this policy by his or her own action or by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user. Failure to comply with this policy and its procedures will result in the forfeiture of library Internet or general library privileges. Compliance with the Neighborhood Children's Internet Protection Act (NCIPA) The Library believes this policy to be in compliance with the requirements of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Pub. L. No. 106-554, Subtitle C (Neighborhood Children's Internet Protection Act), § 1731-32.
Cabot Public Library Addendum (In addition to the aforementioned):
Internet use is offered in 30 minute sessions on a first-come, first-served basis; each user is allowed one session — if there is no patron waiting for the service at the end of a session, the user can have another session, but once having had the service for 30 minutes he user must abandon use of the Internet if another patron requests use of the service. An exception to this 30-minute rule is for patrons working on resumes, applying for worker’s compensation, or filling out other local, state, or federal documents that are only available online.
Youth Policy
The Cabot Public Library works to provide a safe, pleasant atmosphere. The Library staff are concerned about every child's welfare, but are limited in their ability to supervise young children at the Library, and cannot guarantee the safety of children who are unattended at the Library.
Children aged eight years or younger must be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible person at all times.
Young patrons must follow the same rules and norms that all patrons are asked to follow -- including
behaving respectfully, taking care of library property, and following all other rules and policies set by the Cabot Public Library.
Young patrons may be asked to leave at the discretion of the Library Director or staff person in charge.
Library Equipment Use Policy
A printer is available. Printer paper will cost $0.15 per sheet and must be paid for at the conclusion of the session.
A photocopy machine is available to patrons who wish to copy materials at the rate of $0.15 per page.
Other equipment use – movie screen, and/or projector--may be loaned to other community groups at the discretion of the Library Director.
Printer and copy machine users are advised that there are restrictions on copyrighted materials. Any violation of copyright is the responsibility of the user.
(Updated November 6, 2024)
Selection of staff members is based solely upon their ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description, with due consideration of personal, educational, and physical qualifications and aptitudes for the position involved. Cabot Public Library does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, or other abled in the employment of personnel.
According to the Vermont Law of Public Libraries, “The municipal public library is more than merely a department of the town. Unless a community has a charter or special law that provides otherwise, library trustees are given broad authority to oversee the library. Vermont law provides that once appointed, trustees “shall have full power to manage the public library, make bylaws, elect officers, establish a library policy and receive, control, and manage property which shall come into the hands of the municipality by gift, purchase, devise or bequest for the use and benefit of the library.”
“In a 2002 court case the Vermont Supreme Court considered this very issue. Hartford Library Trustees v. Town of Hartford 174 Vt. 598 (2002). It ruled that the selectboard and town manager may not set the librarian’s salary, determine the hours of operation for the library or direct how the library’s money is to be spent (i.e. what vendors to contract with for goods or services). The court said “Town cannot, in the name of administrative efficiency, infringe upon the Board's "full power to manage" the library.”
“With both incorporated and municipal libraries, the librarian answers to the library board. The board may (and ought to) delegate day-to-day responsibilities for the operation of the library to the librarian, but all policy decisions remain the responsibility of the board. Although the trustees retain the authority, the librarian may (and probably should) be given the authority to hire other library personnel. The trustees should manage the librarian, and let the librarian manage the library.”
A. Library Director
1.The Library Director is employed by the Library Trustees for not less than 35 hours per week. The intention to continue this employment will be presumed to exist for the indefinite future and shall be so indicated by both employer and employee. A job description is contained in the Bylaws.
2. The Library Director is paid for 52 weeks per year, including 2 ½ weeks of vacation time and 12 days of sick leave each year. Five additional days of vacation will be given for every five years of employment. Vacation and sick time may not be accumulated from year to year; any unused time will be paid out at the end of the fiscal year. The Library Director is responsible for arranging substitute coverage for the library in the event of absence for any reason.
3. The base rate of pay for the Library Director will be between $28-$32/hr.
depending on experience and educational level and will be agreed upon by the Library Director and the Library Trustees at the time of employment. The Federal Cost of Living (COLA) will be added to the Director’s salary each year. An additional raise of 2% for years 2-6, 1.5% for years 7-12, and 1% for years 13 and up, may also be considered.
4. The Library Director and Youth Librarian are eligible for paid holidays. Paid holidays shall include New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth National Independence Day, July 4, Labor Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve, if these holidays fall on days the library is scheduled to be open. The Library Director may elect to close the library at other times as approved by the Trustees.
5. The Library Director and Youth Librarian are expected to pursue professional development opportunities. These include (but are not limited to) workshops and meetings sponsored by the Vermont Department of Libraries, Town Officer’s Training Conferences, and the annual Vermont Library Conference. Activities that take place during regular working hours are paid the normal salary.
6. Expenses incurred for workshop attendance, trips to Regional Libraries, Vermont Library Conference and other professional activities will be paid upon submission of a valid request/voucher, up to the amount annually budgeted for such activities. The mileage rate shall be according to the current rate paid to state employees.
7. A yearly performance review will be performed by the Library Board of Trustees and presented to the Library Director in executive session. The Library Director is responsible for performance reviews of other employees.
8. A two-week notice of Termination of Employment is required in writing by either the employee or the Library Board of Trustees.
9. The Library Director and Youth Librarian are employees of the Town of Cabot and as referenced in a letter to the Town dated April 10, 2001 are exempt from the town’s personnel policies except those related to employee insurance benefits.
10. Library employees are eligible for a health insurance plan with the Town of Cabot if they work a minimum of 30 hours per week.
B. Youth Librarian
1. The Youth Librarian is hired by the Library Director for not less than 18 hours/week. The intention to continue this employment will be presumed to exist for the indefinite future and shall be so indicated by both employer and employee. A job description is contained in the Bylaws.
2. The Youth Librarian is paid for 52 weeks per year, including 2 weeks of vacation time and 1 week of sick leave each year and five additional days of vacation will be given for every five years of employment. Vacation and sick time may not be accumulated from year to year; any unused time will be paid out at the end of the fiscal year.
3. The base rate of pay for the Youth Librarian will be between $22 - $25.00/hr. depending on experience and educational level and will be agreed upon by the Library Director and the Library Trustees at the time of employment. The Federal Cost of Living (COLA) will be added to the Youth Librarians’ salary each year. An additional raise of 2% for years 2-6, 1.5% for years 7-12, and 1% for years 13 and up, may also be considered.
Sexual Harassment
The Cabot Public Library prohibits sexual harassment by and of its employees. Sexual harassment is unlawful under state and federal statutes. The Cabot Public Library is committed to providing a workplace free from this unlawful conduct.
Definition of “Sexual Harassment”
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and means unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
Submission to that conduct is made whether explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; or
Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a component or the basis for employment decisions affecting that individual; or
The conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to the following, when such acts or behavior come within one of the above definitions:
Unwelcome sexual advances
Suggestive or lewd remarks
Unwanted hugs, touches, kisses
Requests for sexual favors
Pornographic posters, cartoons or drawings
Unwelcome sexual jokes and banter
Retaliating for complaining about sexual harassment
Retaliation against an employee for reporting sexual harassment or for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint of sexual harassment is unlawful. It shall be a violation of this policy for any employee who learns of the investigation or complaint to take any retaliatory action which affects the working environment of any person involved in the complaint or investigation. Employees who believe they are being retaliated against should follow the following complaint procedure.
Complaint Procedure
The Cabot Public Library is committed and required by law, to take action when it learns of potential sexual harassment. Any employee who feels that he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment should contact a Cabot Public Library Trustee. The Cabot Public Library Trustees will take all necessary steps to ensure that the matter is promptly investigated and addressed. Any employee who has been found to have harassed another employee will be subject to disciplinary action, ranging from a verbal warning up to and including termination.
Although employees are encouraged to file their complaint of sexual harassment through the Cabot Public Library complaint procedure, the following agencies also process complaints of sexual harassment:
Attorney General’s Office, Civil Rights Unit, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vt. 05602 (802) 828-3171
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02114 (617) 565-3200
Both of these agencies can conduct impartial investigations, facilitate conciliation and if they find that there is probable cause to believe sexual harassment occurred, they may take the case to court.
Safety Policy
The Cabot Public Library will take steps to ensure the welfare and safety of its patrons, staff, and materials. The Library Trustees have considered various potential situations and have take steps to deal effectively with unforeseen emergencies.
Safety Equipment
The Library will have a first aid kit for minor accidents and flash light or other portable lighting in the event of a power failure.
Emergency exits will be clearly marked and will be kept free from hazards.
Emergency Information
Telephone numbers for the fire department and the police will be posted on the telephone. These numbers are for non-emergency situations, as 911 will be called in the case of a true emergency. The location of the first aid kit will also be noted.
The Library staff and the Board will see that the Library and its contents are kept in good repair. In case of an accident, the Library Director will fill out a report and keep it on file. A copy will be provided to the Town Clerk and the Willey Building Committee.
The Board of Trustees and the Library Director will discuss safety issues at least once a year.
Appendix A
Room Use Policy
Part of the Cabot Public Library’s mission is to provide a welcoming and thriving community space for the residents of Cabot and surrounding towns. With this in mind, we are happy to provide the use of our Reading Room as a small group meeting area.
The room is available
to any community, non-commercial group regardless of political, religious, or social views
on a first-come, first-serve basis
for meetings that are free and open to the public
Donations may be requested, but must not be required.
for groups of 20 people or less
at the discretion and approval of the Director and/or the Library Trustees
We are glad we can provide this space for your group. However, the Cabot Public Library has a need to protect its space and contents. We ask that you fill out our Room Use Contract and that you abide by our room use requests. You are responsible for any damage that may occur during your use of the room. Failure to comply with these terms may forfeit your opportunity to use the Reading Room in the future.
Willey Building, bathroom, and Library door keys are available at the desk prior to your meeting time. We ask that you return these keys to the desk, under the Library door, or in our Book Drop within 24 hours after your meeting concludes.
Use of the Reading Room does not imply endorsement of the event or its sponsor by the Cabot Public Library. All promotional endeavors should clearly state that the Library is the location of the meeting and not a sponsor of the meeting or group.
If problems arise, please call the Library Director, Kathleen Hoyne, 279‑2128; or a Library Trustee. (Chair Beth Wade 563-2110.) In the case of emergencies, please call 911 and notify the Director or a Trustee as soon as possible. The Director and/or the Library Trustees reserve the right to reschedule a meeting.